Saturday, March 24, 2012

two months!

(oops... this is a little late, well exactly one month late, but all pictures are from 2 months. 3 month update coming today or tomorrow!)

Right around 2 months you started watching your fingers and putting them in your mouth.  Ever since you were born you love folding your hands and holding them together on your chest, but now you are bringing them to your mouth:
 While you have always been so alert and in tune with what is going on in a room, you have really started focusing on colorful objects and even smiling back at them.  You sit in your rock&play while I shower and smile at our striped shower curtain.  I had never seen you get so excited over something as when Raggedy Andy came to play at Nana B.'s:

You sure have a joyful & content personality and I'm noticing your rascal side growing too :)  Pretty sure every day gets more fun as you grow!  No rolling yet, just lots of rocking your behind during tummy time and wiggling.  Your head control is great and your favorite thing to do is sit upright in the cushions on the couch.

 You love laying on your changing table- that's probably where you talk the most.  We had to buy you a bigger swaddle sack on your two month birthday because your legs were too long and it frustrated you not to be able to stretch them out.  You (or mommy) still like to have your arms swaddled up during the night or else you wake up a lot more!
At your two month doctor appointment you weighed 11 lbs 11 oz (40th percentile) and measured 25 inches long (95th percentile).  Because you are so long, you grew out of your 0-3 month footed clothes pretty quick.  I felt bad after realizing you couldn't stretch your legs out in your pjs :)  You got your first round of shots at your check-up and did great during the shots, but Yikes! the next 18 hours were pretty bad when the baby tylenol would wear off.  Poor thing!  You never cry unless you are super hungry or a little fussy trying to fall asleep, so we felt so bad for you and knew you weren't feeling good at all!

So far, you have been on a plane and traveled to Louisville, visited the Fort Worth Stockyards, taken many trips to TJMaxx and Target, slept through lots of tasty meals, had fun with sweet friends while your mommy and daddy had date nights, met tons of adoring relatives,  felt your first snowflake, and lots more!


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