Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Month of Love- XOXO

Love is only true if it fights through the good and the bad times... the sleepy newborn snuggle times and the times your toddler gets into your makeup and applies waterproof mascara :)

It's the month of Love! 
How are you decorating for Valentine's Day?  Give your kids some pink & red crayons and let them create some art for your walls.  Or print off some of your favorite photos and hang them around the house.  Cut others into heart shapes and make a garland.  Add a few extra candles to your bedroom.  Have vases or candy dishes? Fill them with red hots or other red candies!  Swap out your chalkboard art for a favorite love quote or a simple heart.  {Here} are a few old posts (we were babies!!) with Valentine decor in our first apartment.  And don't forget to set aside $10 so you can grab some clearance Valentine items to surprise yourself with next year. You will be glad you did! Don't waste your money just because it is on super clearance... be wise with what you buy.  Candles & neutral decor items are my favorite to save for the next year because no matter what the style is you can still use them.

(Artifact Uprising is my favorite place for square prints- best quality textured paper so they look great sitting out or hanging up without a frame)

Cutest little valentine 2012 {here}


  1. Those little prints are adorable! That's such a great idea!

  2. I always forget to check the clearance after Valentine's Day! 10$ is definitely a good budget to set for myself, sometimes those target runs can get a little out of control.

  3. Love those little prints! Great ideas!
