Monday, June 20, 2011

Dec. 23rd!

Yes, We are having a baby!!!  This picture is from our sonogram on Friday at 13 weeks exactly.  I am due on December 23rd- a little Christmas baby :)
There is so much more to catch you up on and I hope I don't overwhelm you with pictures, ideas, info, and all the excitement that is rushing through my mind!  Until then, I'll share a wonderful article that I saw on someone's facebook.  Hope it will encourage you mothers out there and make you see your mission a little differently. 
Click {here}


  1. SOO excited for you! I just became a mother myself :) Hope you're feeling well!

  2. What wonderful news, Savannah!!! So very happy for you and Patrick!

  3. congratulations! :) gray was due on christmas eve... his birthday is the 20th. and clare was born on thanksgiving! holiday babies are lots of fun!! :)

  4. Wow... congratulations and all the best!
    I really share your excitement - our first baby is due October 24th =)

    We don't know each other in person, I just found your blog and really love your encouraging posts!

