Sunday, March 12, 2017

Garden Party 2017- Spring Seed Planting

"I must have flowers always and always."
-Claude Monet

Starting a garden from seeds can seem a little daunting.  Honestly, most of the time it's probably not any more expensive to go ahead & buy the $2.50 Home Depot plant, rather than hassle with peat pots and seedlings hoping they survive to be transferred to your garden.  Most people do not have a garden large enough to use up all of the seeds in one packet.  So that's why I decided to have a seed planting party- to learn from friends who had done this before and share the rest in my seed packets that would have been wasted!

Last year, we had our first seed planting party {here} looking a little different than this year's brunch without kids and forecast for snow flurries :)  While I'm hoping for successful seeding again this year, truly it's more about spending time with friends and meeting new ladies in the community.  My friend, Deanna, and I invited a few friends and then they invited others... I highly recommend mixing up party guests like this.  I love watching two friends connect with each other that might not have ever met.  Or looking around my home seeing lots of new faces and everyone laughing and eating and planting!  They might have thought I was crazy serving up brunch on a mix-match of my grandma's china and then passing buckets of soil inside the house, but cleanup still was faster than lunch with my 3 kids!

I highly recommend finding a sweet friend to host parties with you! Makes it more fun and enjoyable, but it's also a major plus when she can bake like a professional :) How cute are these cookies?!

Want to host your own Seed Planting Party? Text all of your friends, have everyone bring a snack and get to planting.  Here is a good list to get you started...

-Seed Starter Soil & Spoons/Scoops
-Peat Pots or have each person bring a dozen empty egg shells in a carton
-Popsicle Sticks & markers so you can remember what you planted!
-Spray bottles (so you can mist the soil as you plant)
-Seeds! (We had each person bring 2 packets and we assigned categories like herb, veggies, etc.)

Also Kari Jobe's new album The Garden is the perfect background music!

Now we will wait and see how many of our seeds actually grow well enough to plant in the garden, but at least we had a fun ladies' brunch!

Let me know if you have a garden party with your friends & send me some photos at I would love to see your party and garden ideas!

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