Thursday, September 3, 2009

CHB #6

The topic for class on January 7, 1955 was
Training, Caring for, and Rearing Children
It's never too early to get ideas, right?!
Okay, well here are some of the main points
of advice that I took from my Nana's notes:

The biggest guide for parenting comes from the Lord and His Scriptures.
Teach them the way of the Lord, continually reminding them of "who they are".
Proverbs 22:6- "Train a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not turn from it."

Teach them respect for others and You. Teach them to obey.
Be honest. Set an example for them. Don't practice hypocrisy.
Our actions speak louder than words. Be consistent. Punish reasonably.
Remember that what works for one child won't work for another.
Ephesians 6:4- "Fathers, do not exasperate your children;
instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."

Needs of a child in the home:
Love, trust, security, to feel that he is capable, sense of achievement & praise
Unity in the home.

{Nana's notes from Mrs. Seth Wilson}


  1. I'm going to copy this down and post it somewhere in my house where it can remind me :)

  2. your Nana parented the same way that she wrote down in her notes back in college over 50 years ago. you are so fortunate to have awesome grandparents!
    Lee Davidston

  3. Enjoyed your post. Parenting is a great adventure, that is for sure! Have you seen the old (small) book on parenting "The Duties of Parents" by J.C.Ryle? Excellent and one I turn to when I am in need of encouragement.!
