Tuesday, October 6, 2009

CHB #7

January 28, 1955 Proverbs 3:31-35, 4:1-27 Ephesians 5

"How to keep the Honeymoon going throughout Life"

* Continue your courtship. "When does the Honeymoon end?... It never has to."
(Talk with each other and write down what you loved while dating your husband, then decide to be intentional in making that happen in your marriage.)
*Do not assume a right to neglect your companion after marriage than before. Did he open your car door?... were you ready on time? (uh oh! I need to work on this!)... did you ask his advice?
*Have no secrets from each other. "A third party is disturbing to a marriage."
*Avoid the appearance of evil. "In matrimonial matters it is often that the mere appearance appears most evil."
*Make the Best of the inevitable. "Persist in looking at and presenting the best side. A cheerful disposition can be acquired and it will carry you through many a discouraging situations. Don't always look at the faults." (Marriage is going to be hard and it's okay to be discouraged, but far too often we jump to the negative before even looking for a positive.)
* Keep a lively interest in the business of the Home. (Be interested in your home. Invest time in your family, not everything outside. This is your priority.)
*Start from where your parents started rather than where they are now. "Hollow and showy boarding often furnishes too strong temptations. The more you have the more you want. The ones who are the happiest- are those that start at the bottom and work together to the top."
*Avoid Debt. "Keep an account of everything you spend your money for. Credit like fire can be your helper or it can't be. Don't over extend yourself and develop a family Budget."
*Don't both get angry at the same time. "Give and take. It takes two to make a quarrel."

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