Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cuban Birthday

For a little adventure on Patrick's 22nd birthday,
he wanted to go off-roading by the Little Miami River:
It was really fun and the weather was beautiful!
The Jeep got really dirty- polka dotted with mud:

So while he washed the jeep, I started on the Cuban meal...
The dish was a Garcia family recipe called Picadillo:

*Brown 2 1/2 - 3 lbs of ground beef
While browning the meat...
*Saute in olive oil the following:
onions, 8 cloves garlic, 1 red bell pepper, 2 tsp oregano, 1/8 tsp cumin, 1-2 bay leaves

*Take 1/4 of the sauteed mixture above and
*Add to 2- 16 oz. cans of black beans (undrained)
* also add 1/4 cup of red cooking wine
*cover and simmer this until the rest of the meal is ready:
Add the following to the other 3/4 of the sauteed mixture:
*3 1/4 oz. of capers, green olives, and 3 oz. pimentos...
*In the meantime, start making the yellow rice...
I used 2 of the saffron yellow rice mixes below
and the instructions are the packages:
Now back to the sauteed mixture with olives and capers...
*Add 2- 14 oz. cans of tomatoes or tomato sauce
*Spoon Ground Beef into sauteed mixture
*Stir in 1/4 cup of red cooking wine
*Cover and Simmer 20-30 minutes
(This is great to make in the morning and put in a crock pot.
The longer it simmers, the better the flavor)

Sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese on top
and serve to the birthday boy with some toasted garlic bread :)
Then we ended the evening with a walk to Starbucks...


  1. Wow, aren't you guys just the most beautiful people ever!! That looks like it was a great birthday!

  2. You are so creative! I love your blog! I am inspired by you to enjoy every moent to the fullest... it really seems like you and Patrick do.

    I remember that "special" plate. but the one your mom has was a little different right? What does her's say? I have always wanted to go to one of those pottery stores to paint my own "special" plate. but don't know what I want it to say, or a design. I don't really want it to say today- impllying that other days they aren't special.

    maybe a verse- or another phrase. any ideas?
