Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Babymoon Part 6- Bed & Breakfast

What a special trip we will always remember!  May have to make this bed & breakfast a tradition each fall.  We highly recommend this beautiful Inn for a getaway!

So we've gone on a babymoon, organized the nursery, washed sweet newborn clothes... now we are just waiting and enjoying the next 6 (ish) weeks.  I think the main items still left on the list are: pregnancy photos, installing the car seat, packing hospital bag.  Boy, I can't tell you how many blog posts I've seen about packing that silly hospital bag!  I'm not sure there is a suitcase big enough for what some people recommend and either way I'll be sure to forget something!  I think I'd rather pack on the light side :)  Any tips from the mommas out there??


  1. haah :) I know u don't know me but I'm a member of Southeast and somehow found your blog through friends. But I've had 4 really close together and believe me light is better. you don't really need a lot the hospital will have plenty for the baby. u just need a couple outfits for them. and really they provide u w a lot besides clothes,( I like to wear my own clothes :) and maybe your pillow and toiletries. the less u have the less your sweet hubby has to lug up and out. praying for you guys and that sweet baby boy!! blessings~jen

  2. Hey Savannah, I am Kara DeYoung's sister and I just wanted to second what Jenn said! With my first I packed several 0-3 month outfits for the baby and pajamas for me. I ended up living in my hospital garb and never changing out of it and then my sweet-pea was born too small for her 0-3 month clothes! The only thing that we had that fit her were the hospital onesies, so when we were discharged we took as many as they offered us home. :)
    The second time around I was more prepared, and made sure that I had pajamas that I would be COMFY in, and that I wouldn't worry about if they got yucky. (Post delivery is messy business.) And I had NEWBORN clothes, not 0-3 months. :) Really though, the hospital provides everything that you need, so just take your own comfort items that you know you would like to have with you and don't sweat the rest! Patrick (or a friend) can always run back to your house to get something if you forget it. :)
