Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September "Give": The McGuire Family

Happy September!  I'm so excited to continue our Give Scarves now that cooler weather is upon us.  I love being able to hear from adoptive families and give you all the opportunity to support them- and then wear a tangible reminder as we pray for them throughout their journey.  Patrick and I have known this month's family, Matt and Jordan McGuire, for awhile- growing up in Louisville, attending CCU and now getting to know Matt's sweet family in Evansville.  Jordan shares with us their story below...

We live in Louisville, KY where Matt is a Community Pastor at Southeast Christian Church and I am starting to work with a ministry called Life in Abundance.  We have been married for four years and we love getting to do ministry and life together.  It was about a year and a half ago that we wanted to begin growing our family.  We had talked about adoption and how cool it would be, but we had certain ideas of what that should look like, such as having biological children first and then adopting.  After things not going as we had planned and taking a mission trip to Africa with a group from our church, God opened our hearts to the idea of adoption despite our misconceptions.  We learned pretty quickly that this was not a second best choice, but that it was what God was calling us to.  As of right now we are in the process to adopt a sibling group of two.

The most difficult part of the process so far is the unknown.  We don’t know how long it will take, what our child(ren) will look like, if we will be referred to siblings or not.  It all seems like it is up in the air, but we know that God knows and that has been the most comforting part of all of this.  The most amazing thing has definitely been the support from the body of Christ.  People have been so eager to help us in a variety of ways, whether that is through a bake sale, helping us set up for our fundraiser, or just giving above and beyond what we could imagine.  It has been a huge encouragement in this process.

I think there was a lot of entitlement in our hearts as we started this process.  Here we had been trying to grow our family and it had yet to happen, then to think of having to wait years to even adopt was very difficult.  Through great conversations with our adoption agency, we realized that this is a privilege that we get to enjoy.  We don’t deserve any of it, yet God can use broken things of this world to bring hope and healing.  We have also come face to face with the gospel in ways that we hadn’t before, especially as we have gone through our adoption education and heard about the things we could face, but we realize that there is nothing too ugly in us that would make God not love us.  We have been adopted into His family when we accepted Jesus and He loves us despite our sinfulness. 

Our website is mcguireadoption.com and our email is mcguireadoption@gmail.com

This black & gray houndstooth scarf is the featured Give Scarf this month. (while supplies last)
All profit from the sales of this scarf style will go directly to the McGuire Adoption fund! {CLICK HERE} to purchase. We hope you love your scarves- be sure to tag us (@everydaypitpat) on Instagram and use #mcguireadoption so they can see all of your support! 

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