Thursday, August 5, 2010

please pray

Please join me in praying for precious Ezekiel Blanchard.  At just 6 weeks old, he is having surgery on his liver tomorrow morning at 7:30.  Please pray for his sweet parents, Amy and Chad who are celebrating their 4th wedding anniversary today... their faith in Christ through all of this is incredible and they are already being a great witness to the doctors and all who talk with them. Here is what Amy wrote on her Facebook:

"Specifically pray that when they go in and do the surgery they will find that he has nothing more than some "sludge" in his liver that needs cleaned out! If it's not just a blocked duct it will require them to make a large incision and do surgery on his liver and intestines. The doctor said yesterday there is only a 10% chance that this surgery will be successful. If it is not he will have to get a liver transplant. Please pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I don't know Libby personally, but her story touches a special place in my heart.  Jen, my blog friend :) asked for prayer for her friend and I want to ask all of you to join us in prayer.  Libby, a wife and young mom, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and is waiting for specific results in order to decide on a plan of action.  Sadly, Patrick and I know this cancer far too well, but Thankfully, we also know the joy and peace that come from trust in Jesus and prayers of believers.  She believes in God, who we know is the Ultimate Healer.  Please lift up Libby, her husband Justin, and her adorable little girl Ava as they prepare for a tough road of treatment.  
To read more on her story and be encouraged by their faith go {here}
My encouraging, funny, humble, and loving father-in-law, Dr. Garcia, is scheduled to have heart surgery Monday morning to put in a heart pump.  This should improve his heart efficiency and give him more energy as he waits to receive a heart transplant.  If you could please lift up Dr. Garcia as he prepares for surgery and recovery, my mother-in-law, Rita, as she loves and supports him and waits alongside, and for the rest of the family... especially my sister-in-law Cara whose twin boys are due this month :)  


  1. thank you savannah! i know the prayers of you & your community will be such a blessing to this family!! i know that others will be encouraged by their walk & humbling faith as well!

  2. Hey Savannah~

    I am a good friend of Jen's and also Libby. Thanks so much for posting this, and I will be praying for Baby Ezeikel and your Father In Law as well!
