Monday, June 25, 2012

JR is 6 months old!

This past month you went swimming for the first time (and several more times) and you LOVE the water.  You love when we move your float like there are waves and you love to kick your feet (surprise!) as hard as you can in the water.  You also started eating food this month!
At 6 months, you have tried and liked the following: rice cereal, yellow squash, carrots, apples, butternut squash, oatmeal cereal, and blueberries.  Up next, Broccoli :)  
 You are so precious when you wake up... just talking to yourself in your crib and then giving us a big toothless grin when we walk into your room.  You love cuddling in the morning, especially rolling around in mommy & daddy's bed as you slowly wake up. 
 A friend let us borrow this exersaucer and boy do you love it!! I love it too because it gives my arms a break from your constant jumping :)  Sometimes I think you might just pop right out.  At your six month Dr checkup you weighed 17 lbs and measured 29 inches in length.  He said your weight is exactly average and your length is off the charts!  You love to eat, so it must be all that jumping that is keeping your weight down :)
 You and your daddy sure do have fun together.  You have started mimicking his animal noises and even his sneezes, laughing all the while!  Everything you find goes straight in your mouth... even your toes!  I always keep one of your animal pacis in the freezer because you love the feel on your gums.  You sure have all the teething symptoms, but no teeth yet.  Your toothless grin sure is adorable and I'm sure little teeth will be just as sweet... lets just hope there is no biting :)
 You get so excited when the dogs walk into the room.  You squeal and jump towards them- hands stretched out ready to grab some fur.  When they are asleep across the living room, you try so hard to get to them and usually after lots of rolls, grunts, and scoots you arrive... just in time for them to hop up and relocate! 
 You are doing so great playing and holding your toys.  It is so neat to watch you learn each day- figuring out how to use your hands, reach for toys, and ultimately eat everything in sight.  You are getting better at sitting on your own.  Sometimes you catch yourself as you start to lean or tip over and then other times you just fall over and go straight into rolling. 
 You still love cuddling up with something when you fall asleep.  I used to give you little blankies to hold, but one day I grabbed this puppy instead and it has been your bedtime buddy ever since.  You either rub the puppy ears or wrap your arms around the whole thing while chewing on your animal paci.  You don't really take a paci exactly.  Since your Wub-a-Nub has the little animal attached, you prefer a monkey tail or puppy foot to chew on.  Mommy sure does like your Wub-a-Nub because it can't fall through your crib slats... You have a good arm and it's pretty funny to watch the video monitor to see you throw your puppy or paci across the bed in frustration.  You are such a happy and flexible baby, but you don't have a problem telling us when you don't like something.  Your personality is really starting to show :)  I can already imagine the friendly, yet bold leader that you will be. 
 We all know how you love to jump and kick, but just a few days ago you learned a new trick!  Our car broke down outside of Trader Joe's (opposite side of FW from where we live!) and we had an impromptu picnic with our TJ treats :)  You were playing and rolling on the blanket when all of a sudden... you pulled your knees up like you were going to crawl and started rocking forward and back!  You smiled so big and proud.  Now you try so hard to get those legs and arms moving correctly, but after rocking with no progress you resort to throwing your body forward.  It still gets you where you want to go, but it won't be long before you find out there is a faster way.  Yikes!  Watch out Reagan!
John Ryman, you have grown up so much in the past month!  It is hard to believe that you are six months already.  Your smiles and giggles fill each day with joy.  I'm so thankful to be your mommy.  Your daddy and I sure do love you.  We pray each day that as you grow in body and mind, you would also grow to know the great love of Jesus and learn to have a heart like His.  Happy 6 months sweet boy!

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