Monday, March 21, 2016

Easter Photoshoot Tips

I know I'm not the only mother who wants a sweet Easter photo every year of the family. Well, I'll even just settle for one good photo of the kids on Easter! But I've learned that I will never get the photo I want on the actual day :) Patrick is usually headed off to church super early. I'm usually (always) running late getting the kids and myself ready, so a photo before church with their messy Easter baskets is pretty chaotic.

Then by the time we leave Easter service everyone is hungry and it's nap time. Dresses are wrinkled, stained or like last year one of them throws up on the way home!!! Haha Needless to say, I have decided to not worry myself with any Easter Day photos unless they just "happen". I set aside my camera and their outfits the week before and on the first sunny day that week when everyone is happy, we head outside to "play" while I snap away! No stress! Their outfits have time to be washed if the inevitable grass stain or spill happens. No timeline and pressure to have everyone smiling posing for one shot- just carefree play captured! And then all of us mamas have those holiday photos to glance at each year. We see how much they've grown or remember their favorite toy that year that never left their side. Sweet moments captured without the frazzled chaos or the forced photo as we left for church and attempted one posed photo by the front door.

So have your cameras or Iphones ready for a laid back Easter photoshoot this week.  And don't hesitate to pass out some Easter candy for even bigger smiles :)

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