Tuesday, October 20, 2009

under the weather

You know something is wrong when I haven't posted in 4 days!
I have been sick and am feeling a little better today!
Yesterday, I didn't move from the couch ALL day
and my sweet furballs curled up on the floor
not leaving my side the entire day... so cute
I watched It's a Wonderful Life and the Notebook
my hubby served me warm chicken noodle soup
and soothing chamomile mint tea...
which rested on my lovely new coasters!!
They were in my mailbox yesterday morning
and definitely brightened my day!
The ruffle coasters are even cuter in person!
{ruffles and stuff}

besides sleeping all day...
(a bedroom like this would be sure to cheer you up:)

...I laid in bed and admired my new curtain
for our bedroom. Yes, curtain singular because
I only bought one and I am saving for the rest.
It's a velvet stripe panel in Mocha {Target}
Maybe I will have pictures soon :)

I talked to my mom yesterday and she loved that despite feeling sick,
I still wanted to talk decorating*

Hope you all are feeling well.


  1. You have such sweet "fur balls" and hubby. And you watched two GREAT movies!

    I'm glad you are feeling better!

  2. Oh I'm sorry you're sick! But I'm so glad that you liked the coasters! I have to admit, as I was packaging them up I noticed several "unique stitching" areas. :o)
    Also, I love that curtain panel! Do I even need to say how lovely velvet is?? The fact that you're saving up for the other one so reminds me of myself :o) I hate how decorating magazines talk about curtains being a "cheap" upgrade. Cheap for some people maybe! :o)
    Feel better soon!
