Friday, March 23, 2012

quick dinner- Red Pepper Pizza and Spinach Salad

I've been trying to expand my dinner options, but continue to eat healthy.  The other night we had the dinner pictured above and it was so quick and simple, but we both enjoyed it!

Spinach salad- We have this almost every night and just change up the toppings/dressing.  The salad above has a little cheese and balsamic dressing, but my favorite spinach salad is the following: spinach, any type of raspberry or pomegranate dressing, feta cheese, almond slices, and strawberries!

A little dish of applesauce- organic sugar-free with a dash of cinnamon

Red Pepper Pizza- Take whole wheat bagels and cover with pureed tomatoes, a little cheese, and sliced red peppers.  Toast in the oven for 5-10 minutes at 350F (depends on how crispy you want your pizza) and sprinkle a little pepper on top.


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