Tuesday, March 20, 2012

toys for my growing boy

I hope he loves puzzles because I already have some fun ones :)  Isn't this Melissa & Doug Touch and Feel Puzzle cute?
 {Imaginarium} has some great toys (and a cute baby pool I may have to get for the summer!)
and I also am trying to decide on a high chair.  I put off this decision until now because I knew he wouldn't use it until he was older.  While I would love a sleek wooden one:

 our eating area is pretty small, so I'm thinking a booster seat may save some space and cost WAY less. This one is only $30:
and then when he gets a little older maybe this junior chair from IKEA:
What are your top picks for toys and accessories for 6 months and up?


  1. I never bought a highchair for any of my three children because we had a galley kitchen (read tiny with no extra room for anything!). I used a plastic, belt onto a kitchen chair booster for all my kids and it worked great. It was easy to break down and scrub clean and we could pack it to take when visiting family and friends. It was also super cheap! One of the best "baby" investments I made.

  2. Thanks for sharing! I'm thinking that may be the best for our little kitchen area and budget :)
